craftastrophe1 Apr 20, 2011 23:58
disturbing things we should never own, messages from the darkside, stuff you should hang on your wall
craftastrophe1 Jan 27, 2011 13:00
disturbing things we should never own, holiday! celebrate!, messages from the darkside
craftastrophe1 Jan 20, 2011 18:32
um. wtf?, you can stop making crafts now, disturbing things we should never own, messages from the darkside
craftastrophe1 Oct 28, 2010 13:00
not a craftastrophe but cool enough to r, messages from the darkside
craftastrophe1 Oct 19, 2010 13:00
you can stop making crafts now, disturbing things we should never own, this centerpiece might make your guests, holiday! celebrate!, messages from the darkside
craftastrophe1 Sep 21, 2010 13:00
twilight, edward and bella, poo, celebrities give me hives, stranger than a duck wearing a thong, messages from the darkside, craptacular craftastrophes, um. wtf?, for the insane, disturbing things we should never own
craftastrophe1 Aug 31, 2010 13:00
stranger than a duck wearing a thong, messages from the darkside, stuff you should hang on your wall, um. wtf?, fetus, for the insane, disturbing things we should never own, portrait
craftastrophe1 Aug 19, 2010 13:00
for the insane, disturbing things we should never own, messages from the darkside
craftastrophe1 Aug 10, 2010 13:00
you can stop making crafts now, crazy critter parts, taxidermy, stranger than a duck wearing a thong, i want to punch a crafter, messages from the darkside, doctor dement-o, rabbits, um. wtf?, blood, for the insane, disturbing things we should never own, zombie, animals may have been harmed in the maki
craftastrophe1 Aug 09, 2010 08:57
sculpture, ceramics, disturbing things we should never own, head, messages from the darkside